Looking back on my different relationships, I have had several seasonal friends. I would describe seasonal friends as really good friends that develop for a season of your life. For example, I had a couple friends in college who fit this category. One sweet girl stuck with my through all my Spanish classes, and it was such a relief to know someone well in my classes. Another girl, who was also in the honors program and commuted, went to all the honor's functions with me. Most of all the other honors students lived on campus together and knew each other quite well.
Both of these girls were great, and we talked and hung out often. However, when that particular season, Spanish classes or honor's program, was done, our relationship fizzled. No big dramatic blow up. We just didn't see each other. It is hard to make a relationship work when you don't talk with the other person.
Although I am not friends with these girls now, I am thankful that we were friends during that season of my life.
It is nice, though, to have those friends that stick through all seasons of life.