I grew up in the DFW metroplex in a city called Colleyville. It is pretty ritzy and fancy now, but that wasn't always the case. When we first moved to Texas from Michigan, we lived in a pretty fancy house. You know the kind with the high ceilings, the massive master bathroom and a powder room?? The nice thing about that neighborhood was that there were a lot of children close by to play with because the houses were so close together.
We moved to Colleyville when I was in Kindergarten. The house was a lot older, and my parents and grandparents had several house renovations to do, but the yard was huge!
My dad put in a pool one summer, and we used it all the time. My brothers and sister and I spent lots of time in the sand pit in our front yard, too. Occasionally, after dark we would all play hide and go seek outside. It was so dark because there weren't many lights around, and we had to be careful because there was lots of critters out there-possums, raccoons, skunks. It was an adventure!
The lot behind my parents did not have a house on it. On rainy days we would all lace up our matching green and yellow rain boots and tromp around in the mud in the back lot. We would lay out boards to walk across little lakes in the backyard. I even remember burying a bag of coins back there.
Our chickens really enjoyed this extra space, too, as we would let them roam during the day, and they would find their way back to the hen house at night.
There isn't anything particular I like about my hometown like a restaurant or an annual event. Really you could have taken our house and yard and put us in any town, and I think my childhood would have been pretty much the same. It is amazing to me how entertained we all were with just a yard and some siblings to go crazy with.
Now, Denton has some things that I am pretty exciting about having Eleanor experience year after year that hopefully will help her remember her hometown fondly.
Sweet reader, what do you love about your hometown??

We played outside like that a lot when we were kids. Our house was too small for all of us to be inside much so out we went! I'm excited about the traditions we will begin with Cora in Denton but I'm most excited that Cora will have the same experiences with having land and running free like we did!