I recently started Bible Study Fellowship. If you don't know what that is, is a group of ladies (they also have it for men, but they meet somewhere else) from different churches that come together once a week for Bible Study. We are currently going through the curriculum for Genesis. (They go through a different book each year.) We sing a little, break into small groups to go over our weekly lesson, and listen to a sermon.
I highly recommend starting. At the beginning of each month, they have a newbies class. I thought I would be the only one, but surprisingly, there were about 5 other ladies.
If you know me at all, I struggle with anxiety of starting new things or meeting new people, but the Lord has been really gracious with BSF and has allowed me to feel right at home.
Small groups are also a hodge podge of people--old, young, married, single, pregnant, with children, without. I appreciate hearing their different viewpoints from different stages of life. Also, my grandmother and mom did this earlier in their lives, and in a way, I feel connected to them.
Just within the three weeks that I have been going I have been blessed to have the Lord recall to my mind spiritual truths throughout the day and week, to wrestle with understanding a truth in Scripture, to want to do my study throughout the week. Yay God!
If you are currently not being poured into by other believers or having accountability, I definitely suggest you find a BSF in your area.

99th follower!! So close to 100, congrats! Thanks for visiting my blog! New follower:)