Saturday, October 5, 2013

Baby Mama Drama Update

How far along am I? 19 weeks

Cravings: I can always go for Papa John's pizza with garlic sauce, but that was the case before I was pregnant, too.  I mean, it is so good.  I have enjoyed citrusy candy much more than I did before I was pregnant (sour patch kids and starburst)

Physically: I feel great.  This week was especially exhausting because of parent-teacher conferences.

Emotionally: I have had a couple of big breakdowns lately.  Last week, we painted a huge portion of the inside of our house.  We had lots of help, which was so nice because we got it all done in one day; however, it started off kind of rocky trying to mesh everyone's different painting styles.  I couldn't handle it.  Lots of tears. I remembered my husband's birthday (yay!), but we both had Bible Study the night of his birthday, his dad took him out the next evening, and by Wednesday I had completely forgotten to do anything:(  Womp.  Womp.

Feelings about the baby: I think I felt the baby kick this week, but it could be gas because that likes to hang around, too.  Sometimes I really don't feel like I am pregnant.  We have had several sonograms because of my earlier issues.  Even then, the image on the screen seems like just a movie instead of something INSIDE me.

We will be going for our 20 week check-up soon and will hopefully find out the gender.  I would be okay without knowing, but I think Anthony would really like to know.  We have a boy and girl name both picked out but will be keeping those a secret until the baby is born.

I haven't told my students or their parents yet.  (Minus the parent that the counselor shared the information with.  Good grief-adults and sharing information that is not theirs to share.  I could write a whole couple blog posts about that.)  BUT, I won't be able to keep it a secret for much longer as my belly continues to expand.  A student the other day asked if I was pregnant.  I pretended not to understand what she said.  Soon though, I need to have a better response than I ate a big lunch.


  1. Can't believe I missed this. I haven't been keeping up on my blog reading or blogging since I've been in my own pregnancy fog! I'm about 5 weeks behind you!
    I'm also wondering if I should let the kids and parents know or let them find out on their own.

  2. My students didn't learn until I had a major emotional breakdown over the dumbest thing one day. At that point I finally realized I couldn't keep it a secret from them anymore, I honestly kind of figured they knew anyway since all the adults knew but apparently not, they all seemed quite surprised!
