Saturday, March 2, 2013

Bigger is Better!

I love big hair! The bigger the hair, the closer to Jesus right?  haha:))  If you have struggled with getting your hair to have that poof, try these steps.  All you need is a comb and hairspray.
Let's get started!  Pull your hair forward over your eyes.  I usually start from the crown of my head and pull forward.  It kind of depends where you want your poof.  Just play around with it.
Spray the hair while laying flat.  Take a strand apart from the layer going over your face. 
Tease, tease, tease!  Take more strands and keep teasing.
This is what it looks like when I have teased most of the hair.  NOTICE that I did not tease all the hair pulled forward.  You will need to leave a layer of hair at the front.
Pull smooth hair over the teased section.
You can leave the hair down, pull it up, put a headband in, whatever.
For our special Valentine's date to Bass Hall, I decided to put it up.  Just remember, practice makes perfect!


  1. you go girl. spoken like a true Texas. Especially the closer to Jesus part ;)

  2. Love the hair!! My hair lays flat! Lol I really need to be taking tips from you. xoxo

    1. I hope it works! There have been a few times that for some reason didn't want to be big, but otherwise, it works pretty well.

  3. Girl, I wish my hair would do that. I can tease until it falls out and it will stay there for about 1 hour then its flat to my head again. Maybe I'm using the wrong hairspray...

    1. Weird...My hair is pretty coarse so maybe it holds it better. I am just using the pick cheapy aquanet stuff.

  4. I love this. I am horrible when it comes to anything more than straightening my hair or putting it up in a ponytail. This is something simple I can do!
